How do you feel about Bryans?

Welcome to day 2 of the 2008 Hot-Off! Today's battle pits three relatively unknown Bryans against one Mr. Andrew Cogliano. For your consideration:

Le Cogs

Bryan #1 (Lerg)

Bryan #2 (Pitton)

Bryan #3 (Young)



DMFB said…
Cogliano. I think he should take the whole damn thing.
Lord Bob said…
Cogs for sure, for a couple reasons. One, I work with a Bryan and he's really creepy. Second, Pitton can't play goal to save his life. Third, beeeeeeeeeeeeefcake.
andy grabia said…
Who the hell voted for Curt Brackenbury???
Bethany said…
Cogs will win this one, quite easily.
She said…
One of these things is not like the other....
T. said…
Erm... this may be a case of biasing through visuals - seems almost unfair really but yes, definitely Cogs.
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah, love the six pack. Cogs, please!
Shannon said…
Cogs all the way!

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