Potato Salad?
Keeping with the holiday theme that Loxy's got going on around here, above you will find a ridiculously cute segment on The Oilers' Christmas memories. I love how the editing makes it sound like Fernando Pisani used to receive lasagna as a Christmas gift each year. BADABOOMBADABING!
Haha "It came from santa then". Oh Roli.
1. My neighbour got a GT, I got a crazy carpet. I got totally screwed.
2. I think that Brad Winchester is getting cuter.
3. Maybe this is just because I work near the downtown Eastside in Vancouver, but Matt Greene looks like a Meth-head.
Also Matt Greene's serious lack of teeth is horribly distracting every time he speaks.
I also had a ton of spaceship legos. Unbelievable.
Swedish meatballs? I love how Tjarnqvist feeds the stereotypes. That's hot.
Thanks Tjarnqvist for proving me wrong.
Also, carp?!
Greene sure doesn't look like a freshfaced rook anymore - he's on his way to Gatorville.