Tu aimes Raffi?

Glamour shot!

Photo courtesy one Mr./Ms. Baggins, via email


"Steve Smith" said…
That should read "aimes" - the proper conjugation of "aimer" for the second person singular in the present tense.

Steve Smith
Bringing Absolutely Nothing to the Table
Since 1982
Alana said…
Correction made! Merci!
Anonymous said…
Seriously, that chin caterpillar has got to go.
Anonymous said…
I actually don't mind that thing on his chin. Have you guys ever notice Raffí's tattoo on his left arm? It reads "TORRES" with a libra sign at the bottom. Thats neat!

Hey Alana why is the title in french?

Just wondering!
Anonymous said…
The most uncreative thing you can get tattooed is your own name, who does that?
Anonymous said…
I'm not crazy about that chin strip either, but I think he does need something because clean shaven doesn't suit him. There's gotta be something that can add to his look of intensity while making him more attractive? I've always wondered how he can be so fair/red being latino (or am I ignorant, and there are fair/red haired latinos?). Anyway, just my 2 cents...

Anonymous said…
i think Raffi thinks that his chin strip thing makes him look more attractive. i dont know but he always has it so thats just what i think! He does look better with it though. i have seen he without any facial hair and it doesn't look that good! Oh and that tattoo that Raffi has reminds of where hes from. thats just if that preveous 'anonymous' blogger was wanting to know.

Thats just what i think!!!
T. said…
The name tattoo is very typically latin actually, but I think the thing on the bottom is actually a bull (Torres = Torro) not the libra symbol.

His Mom's a redhead... is she the one from Peru? Red hair is more common in South American countries.

I think it's funny that we have the most un-Mexican looking Mexican/Latino (Torres) and the most un-Italian looking Italian (Pisani) on our team.

Oh, and I like the chin-worm - although a regular soul patch might be better. And the black and white photos from that same photoshoot are awesome! Yes j'aime Raffi.
Anonymous said…
Yes Raffi's mom is from Peru and his dad is from Mexico. Oh and Fernie does look like hes Italian, just to tell you. I like Italians and latinos!

Oui, j'aime Raffi!;)
Anonymous said…
Have you ever noticed that Raffi looks like Apolo Anton Ohno?
T. said…
Come on... in full playoff beard both Pisani and Torres could pass for lepruchans!
uni said…
What he needs is a full Goatee. It's a proven fact that anyone looks more dangerous with a goatee.

Just ask yourself this question, what would you be more afraid of, a lion...or a lion with a goatee?
Anonymous said…
I loved that Pisani's playoff beard came out red!
Unlike Torres, I prefer Pisani clean shaven. I see him as unassuming, silent but deadly.

Just another 2 cents...

Chris! said…
Not to get all Steve Smith here, but I believe when you're posing a question in French you have to reverse the subject-verb order. So the title of this post should be "Aimes-tu Raffi?"

Also, Raffi is a clown. Nice angry fists, buddy.
Alana said…
oh goddammit. i haven't taken French in 12 years, people! sorry for trying to be "cultured." like raffi.
Lady_Byng said…
He's trying to look all 'gangster'. ha.
I like him better with his fau-hawk; the shaved head look isn't working for him.

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