Ass kicking!

Suck it Calgary!

I may be upset with the organization, but I'm still happy with my boys.

(P.S. Can you name the 4 in the pic? It's pretty easy, but worth comments.)


T. said…
HOW do you find these pictures?
Loxy said…
Detective skillz.
raventalon40 said…
Hear hear, Loxy.

It's tough to balance it - fighting the good fight but spreading love and cheer for our Oilers... it's a tough thing to do

P.S. Who knew MacIntyre had soccer skills.
Anonymous said…
Pouliot, Gagner (I think), Brodziak and Gilbert. If I recall correctly, Roli's behind Kyle, you can see the edge of his shoe peeking out.
Loxy said…
Jesus Kaitie...
Anonymous said…
sam, marc, kyle and tom?
is that right?
Anonymous said…
Pou's a rebel, only guy in long pants and a grey sweater. We used to make fun of guys like that.

Maybe his shorts and blue top were in the wash.
T. said…
Pouliot, Gagner (I think), Brodziak and Gilbert. If I recall correctly, Roli's behind Kyle, you can see the edge of his shoe peeking out.

Isn't that Big Mac kicking it? I do see a teeny toe of a shoe though.

Seriously where do you get these? Who are you REALLY? ;-)
Loxy said…
Kaitie nailed it.

I have no idea how she knows Roli's shoe behind Hot-Rodziak.
Lady_Byng said…
Pouliot, Gagner (I think), Brodziak and Gilbert

I'm pretty sure that's MacIntyre not Brodziak...........
Anonymous said…
It's Brodziak, and it's also a screencap from a game last season. :)

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