Sirs and Ladysirs - Hot Oil Presents your 2007 Hot-Off Champion

Here's your certificate, Hemmer. Feel free to print it off and hang it in your locker beside your Linkin Park poster:

There will be no prize package this year because I suspect that the Oilers mailman is a thief. Either that or Ethan Moreau is an ungrateful bastard, which is unthinkable.
I'd also like to point out that Moreau re-entered the lineup and Hemsky got injured immediately after Hemsky's Hot-Off victory became apparent. Coincidence?
The curse of the Hot-Off is real, y'all. Next year vote for Stortini.
Also, I like Storts. He tries real hard and is a nice guy. :)
You should definitely send him the certificate though. i bet he'd frame it and put it above his bed..
There's no doubt in my mind Hemmer won this thing fair and square, and not sending him the "package" will only seem more bizarre when he wins it again next year.
On a final note, those of us who always felt Hemsky would win a major award are thrilled his first one is something more worthy than the "Lady Byng."
Congrats Ales, I'm certain you'll be adding a Conn Smythe to the mantle before you turn 30.
good game tonight.
I'm so glad he's playing again, and he looks as cute as ever with his new teeth and his new found confidence.