Will this man get the hot oil treatment he deserves?
Hot-Oil is dedicated to esthetically enjoying current and (at times) former Oilers. We offer creative and constructive suggestions to improving "the look" of said players. The above player, though not yet a member of the copper and blue, is on my radar.
I'm hoping that with a simple "hot oil" treatment, Petr Sykora's hair will transform from...

(Aka the only NHLer challenging Kelly Hrudey for "youngest haircut" at the NHL awards each year)
...to something as simple as...

I'm shocked that I fit two pictures of Jonathan Lipnicki in a post. I mean, Leonardo Dicaprio, fine. But the kid from Jerry Maguire? You know, ladies, only 2 more years until he hits the big 1-8.
By the way, if you wanted to see the unquestion-marked face of a man who may be an Oiler in the next 48 hours... Here you go. I think it's safe to say that he's not too hard on the eyes.

Do I see dimples??