Only five?

1. I am apparently attracted (for the most part) to men that 90% (a rough estimate) of women would call "funny-looking" or "ridiculously unattractive." I also really like Eastern European men, but I don't think that's particularly strange.

2. I become enraged at the sight of emoticons.

3. I can fold my tongue in strange ways.

4. I once made a profile for myself at It may or may not still be there.

5. After a beer or five I sometimes start blurting out the reasons for my love for Ulanov. Or I'll throw up. The former is much more common.


mike w said…
I love this blog.
Marsha said…
I love those Slavic men!
Alana said…
Prez, I'm glad I'm not the only one that starts spazzing about my Oilers crush after a few beers. What's up with that?
Anonymous said…
I click on this site way too much.
the Prez said…
Mudcrutch - I use the blogs as a "healthy" way to channel my love of certain Oilers in hopes that restraining orders won't be necessary.

Alana - I have no idea why we do it, but more people should be like us.
Jordi said…
Besides why would they need restraining orders? They're just playing coy, they know they really want in.

The last time I got drunk I started playing a game with my friends involving spoons and cards. I'll try intergrating Oilers babble into that next time.
Alana said…
Hey Jordi - Were you playing "knifey-spoony" by any chance?
Jordi said…
"That's not a knife. THIS is a knife!"

Haha! Love that. It could've been that, but it definitely included cards. Knifey Spoony with cards?

mudcrutch: Those players just wont keep their good hands to themselves!

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