Reasoner in a walk. The finals are going to be fun this year. I'd like to suggest that when it gets down to the final 4, each of the Hot Oil trio should give their positives and negatives on each subject.
That way the guys who vote (and there's a helluva lot of us) will have a fricking clue.
i think i'm funny enough. steady steve (although seemingly not so steady these days) has that look that says danger. if i'm going to switch teams, it's going to take a boat load of danger. my vote goes to steve.
I'm still pissed that Marty beat Roli, but anybody is hotter than Steve Staios.
Reluctantly, Reasoner.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Staios. He's bringin' Sexyback, duh!
Anonymous said…
Marty's cute and all, but there's something so animalistic about Steve's wild-eyed stare that makes me think dirty thoughts about penalty boxes and... ahem, my vote is for Staios!
Anonymous said…
I'd like to see Marty make it to the final four and then comment on his status while being mic'd up :-). (Sorry Stevie, you're still a warrior tho) RoliLover
Anonymous said…
Steve Staios
anonymous posts still don't count right?
Anonymous said…
C'mon, people, we need more Stevie love! Anyone with eyes in their head can see Staios is far hotter than Marty!
Anonymous said…
#24 is #1 in my heart!
Staios it is! :D
Anonymous said…
yes, marty is hilarious when he has the mic on. but stevie has never had the mic on and he could be alot funnier than marty. ok, maybe not, but it's still not fair to vote for marty because he's funny. staios is sexy, end of story!
Staios all the way!
Anonymous said…
Marty may be funny, but Staios is the strong, silent type. GO STEVE!!!
If i was gonna make a sandwich with them...and me being the bread. i would choose Marty as the Jam and Staio as the Penut butter......... but i like jam better..
i vote marty
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Steve Staios: strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.
Anonymous said…
All I want for christmas is Steve Staios.
Anonymous said…
wow are you guys kidding?! this is definitley a no brainer..... Marty for sure! I thought he would take it home but it looks like staios is getting alot of votes..
Anonymous said…
Marty for sure! He's like the love child of McDreamy and McSteamy
Anonymous said…
More like McNotVeryHot. Go Steve go!
Anonymous said…
This is tough, cause Staios just makes you like him. But just from having that mic strapped to him Marty gets my vote, to say nothing of the Loxy-Facebook 'vote-fixing'.
Anonymous said…
"We know the Silver Fox in your life is easy to love, but so hard to shop for!" not sure if MacT is on your Christmas list?
That way the guys who vote (and there's a helluva lot of us) will have a fricking clue.
Call it a scouting report.
Count my vote for Staios.
and yah, i want him to be mic'd up again. that brought some serious LOLs
And as Jenni said, this isn't a cute off. Staios is a man. A man's man. I heard you ladies like that. I wouldn't know.
Yay Marty Reasoner!
Reluctantly, Reasoner.
(Sorry Stevie, you're still a warrior tho)
anonymous posts still don't count right?
Staios it is! :D
Staios all the way!
If Marty can pull an upset, so can Stevie! let the love fest continue!
Sexy Steve!
another vote for staios!
Stevie= hot
Stevie it is!
i vote marty
this is definitley a no brainer..... Marty for sure!
I thought he would take it home but it looks like staios is getting alot of votes..
He's like the love child of McDreamy and McSteamy
Come on, Marty lovers out there!
PS: The Oil are kicking Pronger's arse tonight. Yay.