Happy Birthday and Trade Deadline Eve!

First of all, it's Marty's birthday. Thirty years young! To celebrate this day, join my "I Believe in Marty Reasoner" group on facebook. We have 100 members and growing strong!

Tomorrow is the day where some of the Oil might not be so Oily anymore. Last year at this time, my Marty was going the wrong way. This year we don't know if we're sellers or buyers. We have stockpiled a great group of prospects and I don't think this is our year. What happens to guys like Smyth that are UFAs at the end of the year? Do we rent him out? Try to get him back in the summer?

I have no answers. I look forward to finding out what happens. I look forward to having you folks email/text/facebook/msg me the moment something happens.

You better.

Marty stays this year. If anyone goes, it's Toby.


Anonymous said…
Was it physically possible for you to pick a less flattering picture of Reasoner? He looks like he's screaming in joy after his first bowel movement in six months.
Loxy said…
I could've picked his roster picture...

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