All is not bad in Oilerland

Sam Gagner
Originally uploaded by nanook1496
Your NHL rookie of the month: Sam Gagner

I keep remembering that he's a rookie. But I keep forgetting just how young he is.


Shelly said…
What's that you were saying? Unfortunately I'm watching this train wreck...I mean, *game*. I keep saying I'm going to turn it off but I never do.

"Hello, My name is Shelly, I'm an Oilers fan. It has been ten seconds since my last, check that...actually just put me on suicide watch now & be done with it..."'re killing me....
Lord Bob said…
Sam Gagner is so young, he's actually hidden underneath that helmet.
Anonymous said…

Where'd Loxy go? Her blog has turned into a capitalistic haven for books and cd's? It's quite a scary and overwhelming glance at first.
T. said…
Along the same lines the speed and skill that the boys showed at the Skill competition made me really happy. Every skater under 14 seconds?! Glencross the surprise beater of the NHL record?! If the chemistry keeps growing between these kids and they develop the work ethic of the veterans that surround them... the sky is the limit people!! We just have to suffer through for a teeny bit longer....
Anonymous said…

The Journal calls Gagner a teen idol. :-)
Shelly said…
"Teen Idol" awesome!!! That's the best....
I know I know, just a little more suffering...and we'll be GREAT dammit!!!!
Well maybe more than a little suffering, and for longer, for cursed me.....but for the normal people...YEAH!!!!
wildchild said…
You know what else isn't terrible? A rookie-hottie call-up! How did Theo look ON the ice?
T. said…
Peckham looked good. Strong and not out of place. More bright future!
wildchild said…
The boys at CinO have a clip of Roli looking adorable and the announcers acknowledging he's still on the team! Where are you ladies?

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