And not very fondly, I might add. But yes, Dick Tarnstrom is back for another go 'round with the Oil. I recall that he was very prone to sickness. Don't confuse him with the Swedish defenceman we had this season (you can tell them apart by the fact that Tjarnqvist is at least attractive, even with his googly eyes), who was prone to injuries of the pubic nature.

Look who else the Oilers signed to a one year deal. Yes, it's none other than Ulanov's former teammate, Denis Grebeshkov! Grebeshkov is a handsome (read: Russian) D-man, and he posted 17 points in 47 games with the Russian Superleague's Yaroslavl Lokomotiv last season. Get a better look at him
here (hope you can read Russian). With his departure, let's hope that the Lokomotiv decide to re-sign ol' Ulanov.
I'm really quite happy about Pitkannen and have all the faith in the world that ol' Huddy will put the finishing touches on this diamond in the rough.