Captain Injury vs. Alternate

Shawn Horcoff has mismatched eyes. Ethan Moreau has no front teeth. Horcoff actually manages to play hockey once in a while. Morea looks like he's a religious man. Black gold! Texas tea! Vote now in the comments section!

Keep your filthy paws out of the anonymous bin.



Kirsten said…
I would have to vote for Moreau in this round, because something about Horcoff creeps me out.
Anonymous said…
mmm...Moreau with his full set of teeth is dreamy.
Anonymous said…
Moreau is just dreamy. No qualifiers. I mean, the whole 'actually playing hockey' is points for Horc, but really? am I going to vote against Ethan? Pfft.
Lollipop said…
Moreau is soo handsome! He gets my vote!
Anonymous said…
Moreau is sexy, even if he bitch slaps guys.
She said…
Was this even necessary? Moreau.
Anonymous said…
Horcoff's cuteness is no match for the hotness that is Moreau
Alana said…
You know what? I'm sick of Moreau and his injuries. HORCOFF.
Anonymous said…
I'm going with Horcoff as well.
Anonymous said…
Alana, you beat me to it. I know Ethan is better looking, but I'm mad at him for being injured and dislike his monotone interviews so I'm going with Horcs!!!! Go Horcs!!!
Lady_Byng said…

This is supposed to be a 'hot-off', not who gives a better interview or who isn't injured at the time, and clearly Ethan is hotter than Horcoff.
grease trap said…
Horc. he has an alien eye.
Anonymous said…
Ethan Moreau. Even his name is sexy!
Loxy said…
I don't even like Horcoff, but being on the team should require being on the ice.


I feel dirty.
Anonymous said…
Horcoff's nose is too funny. I vote for him, mostly because I've never forgivin Moreau for beating Roli last year.
T. said…
Moreau is clearly the hotter of the two.

Although I AM one of the few who also finds Horcoff remarkably attractive in spite of (Because of?) his weird eyes and mashed up nose. He has pretty hands and looks great in a pair of jeans.

But the smile on Ethan Moreau can cause spontaneous ovulation so...

Unknown said…
If Moreau had a game behind him it might not be... But I guess he will just have to think of what might have been....
Anonymous said…
I didn't think I needed to vote because I thought Ethan had it locked up but I guess a few people are mad about him being hurt. But the bottom line is Moreau is HOT!! He gets my vote.
Anonymous said…

People voting against Moreau just because they're mad at him shows that we need him!! Although I must admit I'm very peeved at him too.
Annie said…
Definitely Moreau - no contest.
Anonymous said…
I love a man with a good nose - has to be Horcoff for me thank you.

I'm not really anonymous,(but I am a little filthy), I just can't remember my sign in info from last year's hot-off...
Anonymous said…
Me and my voting ovaries choose the Moreau. Does that count for 3 votes?
Bethany said…
Ethan :)
Anonymous said…
Being made of glass doesn't affect how hot he is. My vote's for Ethan.
Marsha said…
As weird as Horcoff looks, I do find him very attractive. But, not as much as our captain!

Anonymous said…
hmm... this ones a toughie
but I think I'm going to have to go with HORCS
he has a very great smile
Anonymous said…
Ethan, no contest!
allan said…
Ethan is so hot me makes ME ovulate from across the room
Anonymous said…
Horc the heterochromic!
Anonymous said…
Moreau. FTW.
Anonymous said…
Post voting comments:
I like Horcoff's interesting look, but I can't deny the spontaneous ovulating that occurs with Moreau :-)
Lady_Byng said…
Sydney said....
I've never forgivin Moreau for beating Roli last year.

When did this happen? In the backroom of Rexall? Ethan only played 7 games last season before his shoulder got messed up......
Unless you mean the playoffs in '06, but that was BERGERON, not Moreau.

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