
Welcome to Round 2! Up first we have two promising young 'uns who are ready to battle TO THE DEATH for your affection. Hot Oil favourite Brodziak is all like, "Bring it, Gagner," and Gagner is like, "Oh, I'll bring it. Don't worry," and Brodziak is all like, "I never do." IT"S ON! VOTE NOW!



Alana said…
Brodziak, duh. Gagne is a momma's boy.
Anonymous said…
I'll pick Brodziak, but Gagner is cute too!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Brodzaik but they're both great!
Anonymous said…
definitely Brodziak
Kirsten said…
Brodziak, but I like Gagner much better out on the ice.
Anonymous said…
Shawn said…
I see what you girls see in Brodziak now that he has that new photo. When he was bald with the lame facial hair I didn't get it.
Anonymous said…
Sam, even though that roster pic is not as good as brodziak's
Anonymous said…
Brodziak. I think Gagner has potential, but that picture isn't helping.
Anonymous said…
Sam's a cutie so i choose him.
T. said…
Brodziak... mostly because it makes me feel like less of a dirty old woman...

Sam's time will come though. Hockey skill = hotness so it's inevitable. (As long as he doesn't get too many more sticks to the face)
Lollipop said…
I vote for Brodziak.
Anonymous said…
I have to go with Brodziak for the same reason as t.
Lowetide said…
Gagner's young enough to be my son. Hell, so is Brodziak! Gagner's going to win everything ekse these two ever compete for, so I say Brodziak should win this one.
Steph said…
I'm going with Gagner...I'm not sure I have an explanation.
sally said…
I'm gonna have to go with my boy Sam here.

I'm lucky enough to be younger than him, so I don't feel like a perv for voting for a baby.
Annie said…
Brodziak definitely (he's my age at least!) Gagner still looks a little Harry Potter-ish - a cutie, but still young looking.
Lady_Byng said…
Based on looks, (which is what this contest is supposed to be be about right?) I have to vote for Hot Rod-ziak over Sammy, cuz Kyle is, well, better looking IMO.
Although Gagner is going to be a better NHLer for sure.
Anonymous said…
+1 for Sam.
HD said…
brody for sureeeee.
Loxy said…
Hot Rod-ziak.

Is anyone wondering why the Oil gingerfied most of the players in their pictures?
Marsha said…
I'll take little Sam....he's adorable!!
Anonymous said…
Hot Rod-ziak ftw!
Anonymous said…
must be sam as brodziak is engaged

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