That Day in 1983

Now that Robbie Schremp has deleted me from his facebook (Hi Rob! We know you're reading! Hope you learn to stay on your feet next game, kiddo), I'm ushering a new era of stealing photos, but giving credit for them. So, here are some finds from flickr, the photo sharing site. If you click on the photos, you'll actually see where I got them from! Huzzah!

Fact: Tom Gilbert is the same age as Ales Hemsky
Fact: Both are on the Oilers
Fact: Both are male
Fact: Both have lightish-coloured hair.
Question: Are they just the same person?

Tom "who is that Laddy guy anyways" Gilbert or Ales "my car is named after him" Hemsky?

A close call, but Hemsky still drives over Ulanov Gilbert.


Alana said…
Anonymous said…
Tom Gilbert, all the way.
Loxy said…
My car!
Anonymous said…
Hemsky, because he just seems wierd.
Weird like Roli, but in very defferent ways.
I also like the lack of teeth thing going on there, too.
Lulu said…
HEMMER all the way. i want to stick my finger in the gap between his teeth.
Annie said…
Tom :) He looks less silly :)
Lowetide said…
Hemsky has a scar and for that alone he's pretty cool. Then there's that whole he's a freak with the puck thing going.
Anonymous said…
Gonna have to go with Gilby on this one. Hemsky has too much babyface.
Anonymous said…
Ales is every so dreamy, on and off the ice.
Anonymous said…
I'd have to say Tom... :)
Unknown said…
Gilbert... I like offensive D-Men. Especially those with at least one 7 stitched on their jerseys.
melanie... said…
It has to be Hemsky!!! Only because my 4yr old daughter loves him dearly.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Tania said…
When trying to decide what name to put on my new Oilers jersey now that my Ryan Smyth jersey is retired, I was troubled.

Went over many scenarios and argued my way into deciding on Hemsky.

So my vote goes to Hemmer.
Lady_Byng said…
Bought me a Hemsky jersey on Friday at the game, but Gilbert is my facebook friend...........
Both are cute in their own way, but Czech accents are hot.
SO I guess my vote is for Ales!
Anonymous said…
sally said…

I like my men to look 12 years old =)
T. said…
tough one, both have the uncanny ability to look quite good or exceptionally bad depending on the angle/day.


Anonymous said…
Hemsky. Damn your boyish good looks make me feel like a perv.
Anonymous said…
Gilbert. Go local boy! (local to me, anyway.)
Marsha said…
Anonymous said…
Ales is cute, but Tom is
Anonymous said…
Katie O'D said…
Tom Gilbert is pretty
Anonymous said…
Gilbert. It's all in the eyes. ;)
Shannon said…
Definitely Gilbert.
Anonymous said…
I would have to say Gilbert, if not because he's hotter, because he can hang on to the puck.
Anonymous said…
oh how i love him so
Anonymous said…
ales hemsky all the way
Anonymous said…
hemsky!!! sure he makes you feel like a pedophile for wanting him, but who can resist that baby face.
Lollipop said…
the Prez said…
Tom Gilbert, the pretty version of Ulanov.
Anonymous said…
Tom Gilbert <3
Anonymous said…
like them both, but I choose Gilbert.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
awwwwww hemmer for the win
Anonymous said…
The new roster pix are up:
Anonymous said…
well since i've seen them both in person, Ill tell you that hemmer looks like my twelve year old brother and and gilbert is just hot that's all there is too it, and he's an awesome guy!!1!

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