Why do goalies always win? Another day of the Hot-Off.

Marty Reasoner: All substance, some style. Girls love a guy with a sense of humour, it's true!
Dwayne Roloson: Doesn't have an "A" on his jersey. But, Girls love a goalie.
This is a battle that divides the girls at Hot-Oil. But since I wrote the post, you can see which way it leans.
Vote for Marty. He would vote for you. And he wouldn't vote anonymously, cause he knows we don't count those votes.
SIGH. Marty wins, you dinks.
Marty Reasoner
Aww, I miss Jason Smith. Sure don't miss Lupul, though!
Reasoner's humour >>>> Roli's Ryan Smyth inspired hairdo.
I feel bad for Roli though.. cause no one's voted for him yet!
Does that count as three??
Is that 3 anon votes? :-)
I love Dwayne!!!
(Chuck Norris Wears A Dwayne Roloson Jersey)
Marty...the guy is comedy goal. Strap a mic on that guy and let him go.
oh, clever.
Marty FTW
Marty because he's like a guy I could play with on my beer league team. Funny man.
I don't care who he's up against; he's my man.
Got to be the funniest guy in the room.
One vote for Roli!
Roli! All the way!!
I love Roli, really I do, but Marty just makes me smile...
However, Alana's site is like porn to guys my age so alas I must vote for Roloson.
God forgive me, those recipes are too hard to resist.
LT, I love to cook. I should start blogging about it, considering I don't blog about anything else!
I'm going home to eat my leftover rotini with a cream sauce with broccoli and seafood.
I'm psyched.
Notice how Lain waited till the win was well in hand. :-D
Also, I protest Loxy's Facebook campaign to boost Marty's vote.
"Marty Reasoner hates babies"
Evil use of facebook. Very disappointing! lol
OK so first ever vote.. popping the cherry with Marty (and totally voting just so I could say that)
Plus, Marty always comes to sign autos after the game, Roli is a snob and always walks by.