Why do goalies always win? Another day of the Hot-Off.

Marty Reasoner: All substance, some style. Girls love a guy with a sense of humour, it's true!

Dwayne Roloson: Doesn't have an "A" on his jersey. But, Girls love a goalie.

This is a battle that divides the girls at Hot-Oil. But since I wrote the post, you can see which way it leans.

Vote for Marty. He would vote for you. And he wouldn't vote anonymously, cause he knows we don't count those votes.

SIGH. Marty wins, you dinks.


Loxy said…
Martin Reasoner Jr.
IceDragoon said…
And my first ever vote goes to...

Marty Reasoner
Anonymous said…
The Reasoner.

Aww, I miss Jason Smith. Sure don't miss Lupul, though!
Anonymous said…
MARTY MARTY MARTY!! (that better count as 3 votes!)
T. said…
Oooh, this is dangerous but....

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
allan said…
I would have expected more controversy so far.

sally said…

Reasoner's humour >>>> Roli's Ryan Smyth inspired hairdo.
Anonymous said…
Marty all the way i would totally marry him RIGHT now!!!
Anonymous said…
Reasoner for me also. Totally not expecting Roli having no votes yet.
Aminah said…
I vote for Marty!
Freeborn said…
I believe in Marty.
Anonymous said…
Marty al the waaayyyy!!!
Anonymous said…
Marty. :)
radv8711 said…
Love Marty! :)
Lulu said…
Marty of course!

I feel bad for Roli though.. cause no one's voted for him yet!
Sarah said…

Does that count as three??
Anonymous said…
I'll cast the first vote for Roli. Can't believe he doesn't have votes yet!
Anonymous said…
Marty Reasoner.... of course
Anonymous said…
Even though Marty is my cousin, haha I will vote for him for being the "hottest" Oiler...hey I think pretty much all of us Reasoner's are hot...haha you should see a family picture...haha!!
Anonymous said…
Marty is so cute
Anonymous said…
Marty all the way!
Anonymous said…
Roli, Roli, Roli.
Is that 3 anon votes? :-)
Alana said…
Lord Bob said…
This, my friends, could be the upset of the century. I vote Reasoner.
Anonymous said…
Roli!So he has bad hair right there, but he's still clearly the best. GO ROLI!!!!!!
I love Dwayne!!!
(Chuck Norris Wears A Dwayne Roloson Jersey)
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I'm so shocked with the way this is going and I'm about to make it even worse: Marty.
uni said…
Gotta say I've been waiting for this match up a bit and this is so completely not what I saw coming.

Marty...the guy is comedy goal. Strap a mic on that guy and let him go.
Anonymous said…
Totally vote Reasoner, no doubt.
Anonymous said…
i love reasoner
Anonymous said…
There's a Reason I have Marty parties.

oh, clever.

Marty FTW
Annie said…
Miss. Scarlett said…
Marty. Definitely Marty.
Black Dog said…
Wow - landslide.

Marty because he's like a guy I could play with on my beer league team. Funny man.
Anonymous said…

I don't care who he's up against; he's my man.

She said…
Marty. Last year's roster pic killed him.

Got to be the funniest guy in the room.
Anonymous said…
MARTY! humour alway wins!
Anonymous said…
Kirsten said…
Roli's my boy!

One vote for Roli!
Shannon said…
Are you guys crazy!?

Roli! All the way!!
Anonymous said…
Marty please!
Anonymous said…
Marty.. no question.
Anonymous said…
Can't remember my sign in name...but anyway, one more for Marty.

I love Roli, really I do, but Marty just makes me smile...
Lowetide said…
This is tough. I consider Loxy to be a friend so am hoping Marty wins it, and Louise is my friend and likes Marty too. She has a great blog and she likes Marty TOO.

However, Alana's site is like porn to guys my age so alas I must vote for Roloson.

God forgive me, those recipes are too hard to resist.
Loxy said…
This is about food?

LT, I love to cook. I should start blogging about it, considering I don't blog about anything else!

I'm going home to eat my leftover rotini with a cream sauce with broccoli and seafood.

I'm psyched.
IceDragoon said…

Notice how Lain waited till the win was well in hand. :-D
Anonymous said…
Ah, the power of Facebook.
Bethany said…
Alana said…
YESSS! Thanks, LT!

Also, I protest Loxy's Facebook campaign to boost Marty's vote.
Shawn said…
You should've done your own campaigning Alana. Could've been a good old fashion mud slinging.

"Marty Reasoner hates babies"
Marsha said…
You're all retarded....It's Roloson! He's smokin' hot!

Evil use of facebook. Very disappointing! lol
manders said…
Facebook has a non-evil purpose? I wasn't aware...

OK so first ever vote.. popping the cherry with Marty (and totally voting just so I could say that)
Loxy said…
Marty has a better publicist than Roli.
Lollipop said…
What is wrong with you people?!? I realize that Marty is cute and all but Roli, he is HOTTER...and isn't that what this is about? Hotness?
Anonymous said…
I vote for Reasoner, he's cuter...and I am so sick of Roli. I want a new goalie, and I want the Oiler faithful to stop clinging to a hot streak he had in the spring of 06...
Anonymous said…
I'm voting for Reasoner because Facebook told me to, and because he's clearly the better looking one
Lady_Byng said…
Marty, he's frikkin adorable! Roli looks like the un-cool uncle, bleh.

Plus, Marty always comes to sign autos after the game, Roli is a snob and always walks by.
Anonymous said…
Marty hands down.. roli doesn't even compare!!! he's cute, he's sweet and gosh darnit we all love him!
Anonymous said…

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