Top ten signs you're actually an AHL team

10. The St. Louis Blues have more points than you.
9. Toby Pederson is the only player who scores.
8. Laddy Smid leads your team in minutes.
7. Only six of your skaters have a season of NHL play under their belt.
6. You've been outscored 24-5 in the last 6 games and you've lost 10 of your last 12 games.
5. You don't have a farm team, so all your prospects just play on the NHL team.
4. Hot-Oil poster "Loxy" forgets that her hometown has a team.
3. You're checking if it's mathematically possible for Philly to pass you in the standings.
2. You traded away Ryan Smyth.
1. You are the Edmonton Oilers.
but i digress...c'mon people, is it really just now that we've figured out the oilers won't make the playoffs? or are we doing drinking math? ("it was the last beer that did it, man" as if the first 10 had nothing to do with our current vomiting.) i couldn't even bear to watch the 3rd period last night. ugh.
if there is any justice in the world, calgary and carolina will also fall short. yes. i'm bitter.
If you are going to make fun of him (like I like to do) at least spell the man's name correctly. :P